Jesus speaking) “Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!" (‭Matt 6‬:‭22).

To me, this verse encompasses much of what my life in Christ is all about.

Whenever I pay heed to those around me or acknowledge the Media's constant barrage of doom and gloom, then the outworking putridness of doom and gloom seeps back into my life - my lovely, warm and light existence disappears, and I end up living in a dark cellar, all squinty-eyed with greed and distrust.

Whenever life gets too much, rather than trusting the Lord and walking on with Him, I take my own advice to distance myself and not let it bother me (e.g., pulling the blinds on my windows); I 'know that I've chosen to walk away from the Lord and his path of light, and I'm back walking in darkness.

Holy Spirit, please help me to not close my eyes (and heart) anymore. To rather acknowledge that we who follow the Lord are his hands and feet in people’s broken lives and work with You to help restore them. Amen.

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view using the link below, which will be updated constantly.

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️