“I am GOD your healer.” (‭‭Exo 15:26‬)

As always, I begin by asking GOD what He wants to say to His Children, and while I was listening, UCB 2 was playing worship music in the background. There was a break in the music, and the announcer pointed people to a website called ‘eternal walls’ where they’d hear awesome testimonies of GOD’s Goodness. Then he chose this testimony, which I feel compelled to share with you.

For no apparent reason, a lady was troubled with severe back pains. The doctors couldn’t find the cause, and yet, over time, the pains got so bad that she couldn’t even bend down to put on socks and shoes.

She told how she initially prayed for healing, but as nothing happened, she stopped believing it would happen – so nothing changed.

One day one of her friends told her that a Christian healer was coming to speak at church and she should come with her. Many people went to the front for ministry throughout the healing service, but she didn’t budge out of her seat (as she never believed that she’d be healed), and as such, she went home still in pain.

Apparently, the healer returned again later that year and still, she wouldn’t go forward …

It seems that the healer returned for the third time, and this time her friends almost dragged her forward for prayer. She told how the healer placed their hands lightly onto her head and began to pray. She felt so embarrassed at all the fuss that she wasn’t really listening to anything in particular until she ‘heard’ a loud crack come from her back! She sat there quite shocked and suddenly felt something move about 90 degrees in her back – All the pain left her body, and she was free!

“I believe. Help me with my doubts!” (Mark‬ ‭9:24) ❤️



NB - The prayer requests and updates were coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the below link, which will be updated constantly ...

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️