Does anyone remember Smith Wigglesworth? He tells a great story, "At one time, I was at a meeting in Ireland. There were many sick people carried to that meeting, and helpless ones were helped there. There were many people in that place who were seeking for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Some of them had been seeking for years. There were sinners there who were under mighty conviction.

There came a moment when the breath of GOD swept through the meeting. In about ten minutes, every sinner in the place was saved. Everyone who had been seeking the Holy Spirit was baptized, and every sick one was healed.

GOD is a reality, and His power can never fail. As our faith reaches out, GOD will meet us, and the same rain will fall. It is the same blood that cleanseth, the same power, the same Holy Ghost, and the same Jesus made real through the power of the Holy Ghost!

What would happen if we should only believe GOD?"

38 Years ago, my wife and I set about converting an old derelict Chapel on the Yorkshire moors that Smith Wigglesworth had regularly preached in. There was a lovely old couple living in a bungalow next door. The man had suffered terribly in the First World War through the effects of poison gas. His lungs were very badly damaged, and he had great difficulty breathing. Nevertheless, he came round every day to see how we were and brought us coffee and some of his wife's glorious cakes.

Then one day he didn't come... we went round to ask after him and his wife tearfully told us that she'd had to call for the ambulance as his breathing was so shallow that she thought he'd died in the night! My wife and I knelt down by his bed and prayed for him. He sat up after a few minutes, and we left him hugging the wife and love of his youth.

We never did complete the project as my wife became pregnant and we couldn't afford the time, but our neighbour never failed to bring us coffee and cake each day until we finally vacated.

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the below link, which will be updated constantly ...

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️