Don’t allow the actions of evil men to cause you to burn with anger. (Pro 23:17)
The number of times I’ve ignored this Scripture – and suffered for it. Cursing someone, in thought, word or deed just ISN’T any kind of solution - evil doesn’t (it can't) kick out evil!
The persons committing the evil are very probably being manipulated by external (or yukky internal) sources. So screaming with anger at someone who's as ‘wrong’ as a bottle of chips won’t get you (or them) anywhere!
Only GOD’s Presence forces evil to flee, so instead of burning with anger, hear and act on the words of Scripture …
Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. (Rom 12:21)
S - A close family member who's just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Rory - Only 30 years old and has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Terry - Please can we pray for reconciliation with his daughter and her husband ...
Tonia - A close family member who is bravely struggling with the effects of chemo for breast cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Tracey - who had an eye operation to help with a detached retina. She still can't see anything yet - we're believing that she will ...
Emma - who's awaiting 'positive' oncology results. She's currently physically incapacitated through severe pain and due to circumstances needs urgent financial assistance with a disability chair that seems to cost as much as a small car...! We've been fund raising so message me please if you can offer her (any) help. She says a BIG THANK YOU for those who have already given ...
Young Lydia - For those who want to know more about how she's coping, and what to pray into, she's actually pouring out her life thoughts on Instagram under the title: stoma_life_lydia ...
Chrissy - who has been diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus. Crissy lives alone and needs love and help. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Barbara - who has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please …
Mark - who's suffering long-term sexual abuse. Please pray that his relationship with Jesus strengthens and he can be healed of all past hurts ...
Andy - who has had an awful chest infection and hasn't managed to get much sleep. Peace and healing please ...
Lee - who came off his motorbike on Saturday and is recuperating in GOD's healing hands ...
Shad - He's been in hospital for approx 18 months now after waking up one morning and finding he couldn't move his arms and legs. Please pray also for his wife Joy ...
As well as quite a few others (and GOD knows who they are), who wish to remain anonymous but are really going through some yukky stuff right now ...
NB - What started off as just a few people crying out for help, is slowly manifesting as an exponential reality of just what's going on in our neighbourhoods, and on our very doorsteps!
Brothers and Sisters, we know a LOVING GOD who answers prayer, and wants to work His Peace and Kindness through us - Love is as Love does - THANK YOU