You are God-Enthroned, surrounded with songs, living among the shouts of praise of your princely people. (Psa 22:3)
I've shared this before - but GOD put it into my heart to tell you all again, so someone out there needs to hear that GOD can do ANYTHING...!
It wasn’t just raining, it was literally pouring down. The animal shed where the Churches met in Peterborough was packed to the edges and the worshippers were lost in the worship of our Lord and Saviour; Jesus, the Christ of GOD.
I was delegated as an usher for the evening and actually saw the family come in. It was a family of three, husband and wife in dripping Sou’westers pushing a severely disabled child of about 7 or 8 in an oversized pushchair.
The praises didn’t let up as the couple pulled away the covering on the pushchair so the child could see. I noticed how many around them saw her then, she was all twisted - horribly broken.
The singing didn’t let up, in fact, it seemed to reach a whole new level as people all around her began stretching one hand out towards the girl and the other towards Heaven.
I stood in awe just inches away from the family. The father with his head bowed, his mouth moving wordlessly in prayer and intercession, the mother, her face tilted upwards, her tears mingling onto her already dripping clothes.
The sound of Worship hit a peak and just when I genuinely thought my heart would break, it happened. Suddenly the girl began jerking around in her chair. Everyone around her stared - it was as if we were watching a li-lo being inflated at the beach. Her arms began to straighten, then her legs, then her back. She finally stood on her own just gazing around at everyone surrounded by the worship and shouts of utter JOY.
Her father fell to his knees, his arms outstretched to Heaven. I caught his wife as she fainted … thank You, Jesus.
Rory - Only 30 years old and has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer ...
P - who has just been diagnosed with COVID - please let's pray for complete recovery as well as protection upon his wife ...
Tonia - who is struggling with the effects of chemo for breast cancer ...
T - who had an eye operation Monday to help with a detached retina and see what can be done to save her eye. Bandages have now been removed and she can't see anything yet, (but she will) ...
Emma - who's awaiting 'positive' oncology results. She's currently physically incapacitated through severe pain and due to circumstances needs urgent financial assistance with a disability chair that seems to cost as much as a small car...! DM me please if you can offer her (any) help and THANK YOU for those who have already given ...
Young Lydia - She's back at home but still waiting for a heart appointment. She's also waiting to see a surgeon regarding her on going stomach pain and stoma problems. Please keep her parents in your hearts too - they have so many 'issues' just now...
Crissy - who has been disgnosed with cancer of the oesophagus. Crissy lives alone and needs love and help ...
Barbara - who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer …
As well as quite a few others (GOD knows who they are), who are really going through some yukky stuff right now
Thank you.