(2 Chronicles 1:7) "That night God appeared to Solomon. God said, “What do you want from me? Ask.” Solomon answered, “...give me wisdom and knowledge as I come and go among this people—for who on his own is capable of leading these, your glorious people?”

We face this dilemma every day: Which way? What now? What should we do?

Unfortunately, life often seems like a 'self-assembly' package from IKEA—albeit one without any instructions or diagrams!

GOD knows we'll struggle to put everything together because not everything (or anyone) is as uncomplicated as we would like it (them) to be! So, just as Jesus told us (John 14:15), He will send His Holy Spirit to guide us through each day's maze!

But take notice - the Holy Spirit won’t give in to our sulking petulance, much less lead us down a path that isn’t ours to travel on. He is here to lead; we are here to follow in trusting faith.

NB - when you ask for His help, don’t ask from a place of fear but ask from the heart - because that’s where He Lives!

GOD, who created all our hearts, says, “Come to Me, my dear Child, and I will show you how to break free and live! Do your part and trust in Me enough to honour Me.” 🥰

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—Baby Pasley, Louise, Betty, Maria, Lorenzo, Matteo, Romeo, Sebastian, Nathaniel, Amy, Franca, Daniela, Kristina, Paul, Roger, Alastair, Ian, Alex, Alexander, Lynette, James, Keiron, Samantha, Jay, Liliana, Maria, Susanna, and those you bring to our minds right now… Please grant your healing power to those who minister to all the sick among us so they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 🙏