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Day 262 – Warren Wysocki

(GOD speaking) “But face the facts, all you oppressors, and then wring your hands. Listen, all of you, far and near. Prepare for the worst and wring your hands. Yes, prepare for the worst and wring your hands! Plan and plot all you want—nothing will come of it.

All your talk is mere talk, empty words, Because when all is said and done, the last word is Immanuel—God-With-Us.” (Isa 8:9)

Read it again, then think about what it is that stands in your way and oppresses you. Medical problems? Physical? Financial...?

Every dark way must be brought to the light. Wrongs righted. Injustices removed. Every heart of pride will be humbled low before him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth so that everyone everywhere will be ready to see the Life of God! (Luke 3:5)

Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus! ❤️



Tonia - who is struggling with the effects of chemo for breast cancer. She's having another scan on Monday and seeing her consultant Wednesday...

Young Lydia - her father told me yesterday that she came out of hospital on Thursday, but had to go back to the doctor Friday with severe pain. She's now waiting for a heart appointment and the results. She's also waiting to see a surgeon regarding her on going stomach pain and stoma problems...

Karen - who’s life support has been turned off and they are now using her organs for donations. Please can we pray for her daughter Sarah and partner, and their two-week old baby Willow ...

Rachel - who I understand is still in the Hospice – please can we continue to pray for her, her young family and her husband…

As well as quite a few others (GOD knows who they are), who are really going through some yukky stuff right now.

Thank you. ❤️