“O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.” (Psa 30:2 ESV)

Carrying on the theme of the series - my friend called me and asked me to accompany him after work to help a little girl. Apparently, his friend’s sister had a child who was quite deformed, and it looked as if she wouldn’t last the night - much less the week.

We arrived early to a spotlessly clean house, and the mother had worship music playing on a CD in the lounge. We found the daughter curled up on the sofa in a fetal position; she had trouble breathing and was wheezing badly. She was a lot older than I first imagined, about 18 years of age, and, in fact, quite physically deformed.

We all prayed together, and afterwards, the mother and my friend went off into the kitchen to make coffee. As soon as they left, the girl turned to me and, in between great gulps of air, said, “They’ve all been here and prayed for me, you know.” “Pardon?” I said, “They’ve all been here – the Bishop, Pastors, Nuns, Priests, everyone, but nothing changed.” I didn’t know what to say, and then I heard the still small voice … “She doesn’t know me. Tell her about me.”

For the next few minutes, I told her how I’d met the Lord and what He’d done in my life. “Can I meet him like that?” she said between huge gulps of air. “Of course,” I said. I prayed (and I swear before GOD that this is what I saw); where her hair had been lank and stuck to her head, some Spiritual Wind from Heaven had entered the room, and her hair began flying around – clean and beautiful. Her mother and my friend came in at the noise and promptly dropped the tea service. “What’s happening?” cried her mother as she ran to her daughter’s side. “Mum,” said the girl with a huge smile on her face and breathing quite normally, “I’ve just met Jesus…”

We stayed on for a few more hours. We all prayed before leaving, and the mother begged to receive the Lord Jesus that night, too. We left them both hugging, laughing, and crying together.

Footnote - My friend called me at 6:00 am the next morning to let me know that he'd found out that the young girl had died during the early hours and gone to be with the Lord. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry …

As usual, I've asked the Lord what He wants to say to you, and I believe He led me again to Isaiah 57:18 CJB.

"I have seen their ways, and I will heal them; I will lead them and give comfort to them and to those who mourn for them —I will create the right words: ‘Shalom shalom to those far off and to those nearby!’ says Adonai; ‘I will heal them!’”

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the link below, which will be updated constantly ...

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️