(Jesus speaking) My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me... (John 10:27)

My good friend Fabio from Italy sent me some segments on hearing from GOD from Michael Wells's book “My Weakness for His Strength” yesterday, and it impacted me so much that I have tried to add them here for you to enjoy.

“Often, as you know, we stand or fall on definitions. The voice of God is distinct to each individual; you cannot judge what His voice is to you by what it is to another. For example, a mother drops off her sleeping baby in the church nursery and tiptoes out. When she returns and quietly starts talking to the attendant, her baby begins to cry upon listening her voice; none of the other babies cry, because they do not know that voice. The baby knows the voice that does not stir the other babies.

In a like manner, everyone hears God’s voice in a unique way, and you can discover how you hear Him. Let me give you a couple of exercises. Begin to read the Psalms; something will jump out to you that does not jump out to others. That will be the voice of God as you hear His unique voice for you. Stop and really examine why that segment spoke to you and what the awareness of needing to pause and ponder feels and sounds like. It is His voice.

The second exercise is this: The next time you start to do something wrong and you sense a dip in you spirit, a conviction, a loss of peace, and a little voice that says, “No,” stop and meditate on what it sounds like. I can promise you are hearing the Lord, but you may have been unaware of it because of using others’ definitions of what God’s voice sounds like.

Another point on hearing God is that there may be a problem of hearing too many voices, but you can be certain that His is one of the voices you hear. It is important for you to discern the voice of the Lord, for His brings love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, self-control, and faith, when the voices of the flesh, the world, and the enemy bring everything else. You may have a flood of doubt. “How can God be talking like this to me? Why is everything He says to me so positive? I am only talking to myself and telling myself the things I want to hear.”

You may even think your are crazy. But His voice is always just that positive, and what He tells you about yourself and the Son can be witnessed to in the Scriptures.

God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one can resist God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what. (Heb 4:12)



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The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️