Love GOD, your God, walk in all his ways, do what he’s commanded, embrace him, serve him with everything you are and have. (Jos 22:5)

Whichever way you consider it, Love is an amazing emotion. It can simply be a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or even a feeling of warm personal attachment. It can manifest as a deep affection - as for a parent, child, or friend, or explode your heart and leave you breathless.

Whichever way it comes, be it a mighty flowing river or even a simple stream, and on whichever level it chooses, it has the powerful ability to transform even the hardest of hearts.

Such transformations and acts of loving kindness are embedded In our very psyche. My father was a brutally broken man after the war, who had little or no regard for any of us, and yet throughout all his mistreatments, I still vividly remember one particular act of kindness where my love and respect for him broke through my fragmented heart soaring upwards as a flame.

In effect, it is our distorted perception that needs adjusting, and sometimes our perception of our Heavenly Father can seem twisted. We feel hurt through circumstance or wronged by life, and our natural reaction is to blame someone/ anyone – and if no one is readily available - then GOD will do!

We so easily forget that He doesn’t take any pleasure in our suffering and that through sending His Son Jesus as our Redeemer and Saviour, He wants to lead us out from under the oppression we’re suffering, and yet, like a frightened dog, we snap at the hand that’s trying to help us…!

Lord, please open my heart and give me the Grace to see your way of life through all the mess around me - and Father - thank you for not giving up on me. ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the below link, which will be updated constantly ...

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️