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Day 100 – Warren Wysocki


“Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you... (Rev 3:20)

I watched a two-hour spectacular yesterday on the physical evidence for Jesus. Although it was extremely well made, beautifully scripted, and thought through, the trouble was that after sitting through two hours of trawling through historical facts that proved that Jesus was real, I'm sure it did nothing more for those watching than keep him on the 'wrong side' of the door!

History has shown that the World doesn't need just another 'nice person' sticking a band-aid on all our troubles!

The World (we) need a 'very personal' Redeemer and Saviour ... i.e. Jesus wants to be invited to 'live' in our hearts so that he can deliver and Redeem us from the sin that so easily confronts us and lead us into a powerful freedom, and therefore Save us completely from our captivity to it.

(Jesus speaking) For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” ( Luke 11:9) This means that GOD has something He actually wants to give you - something He wants you to find and maybe even somewhere He wants you to go❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the below link, which will be updated constantly ...

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️
